Google Six Minutes Evolution Of Search

Very interesting video presenting evolution of Google Search in a short six minutes video – enjoy!

Google announces search algorithm change promoting fresh content

The incredibly fast pace at which information is propagated across the world today constantly increases demand for receiving most up to date search results.

Google engineers constantly strive to keep up with that constantly changing environment and have now introduced new changes to search algorithm.

Google has announced that their algorithm with “freshness” update is designed to provide us with the most up-to-date results able to determine fresh results for searches around recent events, latest topics, recurring event and frequent updates.

The Caffeine update last year was a major infrastructure fix to web indexing system last year, which enables Google to crawl and quickly index the web for the freshly discovered content. Google indicates that new and improved algorithm impacts now around 35 percent of searches.

We are still to see how Google prove their algorithm to work correctly and prevent spam at the same time says SEO Google Expert.